Wednesday, February 1, 2017

These is my Words by Nancy Turner

Subtitle: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine 1881-1901  Arizona Territories
This is a work of fiction based on the authors family history.  At age 17, Sarah and her family leave New Mexico in a small wagon train headed to Arizona.  There are Indian raids, births, deaths and romance on the way.  They finally settle in the area around Tucson when Tucson was not much more than a fort and a small town.  Sarah is one tough independent woman and yet her life is still somewhat constrained by the expectations of women of the time.  Some journal entries are just a day or two apart. Other make larger leaps in time but the story is still easy to follow.  Hers was a life of adventure and danger and family life and all very believable.  I wish Turner had shared more of her real family story just for comparison.

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